Boeing whistleblower tells Congress he was threatened for speaking up: Live updates

Boeing defends aircraft safety before US Senate hearing

A Boeing whistleblower is set to testify before Congress on Wednesday after claiming one of their models, the 787 Dreamliner, is unsafe to operate.

Sam Salehpour, a quality engineer for the company, testified to a US Senate subcommittee that his boss threatened him after he voiced concerns.

“My boss said, ‘I would have killed someone who said what you said in the meeting,’” Mr Salehpour testified. “This is not safety culture when you get threatened by bringing issues of safety concerns.”

The US Senate hosted two hearings today related to Boeing. The first hearing, held by the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee featured testimony from aviation safety experts. Mr Salehpour is speaking at the second hearing, held by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee for Investigations.

Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun is not expected to appear.

These hearings follow a string of safety incidents with Boeing planes in recent months.

Most notably, a door plug fell off an Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 Max aircraft at an altitude of 16,000 feet in January. While no one was hurt, passengers lost several belongings and were left terrified. A preliminary investigation revealed the door was missing four bolts.

ICYMI: Boeing whistleblower tells Senate he was threatened by boss after raising concerns about plane safety: ‘They know where you live’

“Absolutely … The only reason I have my job [is] because I had my attorneys, we filed [via] the whistleblower system before I spoke up,” he said.

Mr Salehpour added that he was once berated by his boss during a 40-minute phone call.

“They call you on your personal phone to let you know that they know where you live,” he said. “They know where you are. And they can hurt you.”

Read more from Gustaf Kilander:

Katie Hawkinson17 April 2024 20:30

Aviation accident investigator told Senate Boeing incidents are a first in decades-long career

Shawn Pruchnicki said Boeing’s series of alarming events are a first in his decades of work in aviation and aerospace safety.

“There does not appear to be any evidence of changes to any of the components on the horizon as a string of alarming events continued to unfold,” Dr Pruchnicki testified. “In safety engineering work, we call these precursors to accidents. I have never in my decades of Aerospace Safety work seen so many continuing to arrive one after another.”

Dr Pruchnicki is an aviation accident investigator and former commercial pilot. He is also a professional practice assistant professor of integrated systems engineering at The Ohio State University.

Katie Hawkinson17 April 2024 20:00

ICYMI: Aviation safety witness says he would still fly in a Boeing plane

“Within the aeroplane world you have to look at what’s happening and go how comfortable am I flying in this aeroplane versus that aeroplane? For me personally, I keep track of what’s happening on the [737 Max] for obvious reasons, and I’m worried about what’s happening on the [737 Max],” aviation safety expert Javier de Luis testified.

“Now if I had to fly somewhere, because there was, there was no other option,” Dr de Luis continued. “I would absolutely fly it versus driving for example because I can make that trade.”

Katie Hawkinson17 April 2024 19:30

Boeing has culture of retaliation, threatening behaviour: whistleblower

“Do you think that there was a culture of retaliation against whistleblowers?” Senator Roger Marshall asked Sam Salehpour, whistleblower and Boeing quality engineer.

“Absolutely,” Mr Salehpour responded. The Boeing engineer explained the only reason he still has a job is because his attorneys helped him.

Mr Salehpour also described a 40-minute phone call berating him and threatening him for speaking up.

“They call you on your personal phone to let you know that they know where you live,” he said of Boeing. “They know where you are. And they can hurt you. And you know, after the threats…it really scares me, believe me, but I am at peace.

“You know, if something happens to me, I am at peace because I feel like by coming forward, I will be saving a lot of lives and my piece whatever happens it happens,” Mr Salehpour continued.

Katie Hawkinson17 April 2024 19:10

ICYMI: Boeing’s stated commitment to safety doesn’t match up to their actions, senator says

Senator Tammy Duckworth — Chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, Safety and Security — said Boeing’s stated commitments to safety don’t match up with their actual actions.

“Boeing says it prioritizes safety above all else,” Ms Duckworth said at the Wednesday morning hearing. “But when the expert panel asked Boeing to produce evidence of this commitment, the evidence that Boeing provided ‘did not provide objective evidence of a foundational commitment to safety that matches Boeing’s descriptions of that objective.’

“That should be shocking,” she said.

She also criticised the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

“When the FAA finally found out that Boeing had been knowingly and repeatedly violating its approved type design, the FAA did nothing,” Ms Duckworth said.

“When the FAA fails to take action in response to bad behaviour, it sends an unmistakable message to both Boeing and its employees: That bad behaviour is acceptable.”

Katie Hawkinson17 April 2024 18:23

Boeing whistleblower tells Senate he was threatened by boss after raising concerns about plane safety: ‘They know where you live’

As both US Senate hearings on Boeing safety measures conclude, catch up on whistleblower Sam Salehpour’s shocking account of intimidation and threatening behaviour he faced:

Katie Hawkinson17 April 2024 17:45

Boeing safety situation is akin to ‘Russian roulette’ whistleblower says

Sam Salehpour, the Boeing quality engineer and whistleblower threatened by his boss for speaking up, said an impending disaster is increasingly likely — it’s just a matter of when it occurs.

“One could compare it to something a little bit like Russian roulette,” he testified. “We never know exactly when it’s going to happen, when or where or how it’s going to happen.”

Katie Hawkinson17 April 2024 17:32

Boeing employees being asked not to document concerns, quality engineer says

“I have a very negative attitude towards the quality concerns,” whistleblower and quality engineer Sam Salehpour testified. “When I bring something to my boss to say ‘we have problems with this,’ he prevents me from even documenting and prevents me from even sending the information to the subject matters experts.”

Mr Salehpour also said his boss had previously threatened him for speaking up about safety concerns in a company meeting.

Katie Hawkinson17 April 2024 17:18

Boeing has culture of retaliation: whistleblower

“Do you think that there was a culture of retaliation against whistleblowers?” Senator Roger Marshall asked Sam Salehpour, whistleblower and Boeing quality engineer.

“Absolutely,” Mr Salehpour responded. The Boeing engineer explained the only reason he still has a job is because his attorneys helped him.

Mr Salehpour also described a 40-minute phone call berating him and threatening him for speaking up.

“They call you on your personal phone to let you know that they know where you live,” he said of Boeing. “They know where you are. And they can hurt you. And you know, after the threats…it really scares me, believe me, but I am at peace.

“You know, if something happens to me, I am at peace because I feel like by coming forward, I will be saving a lot of lives and my piece whatever happens it happens,” Mr Salehpour continued.

Katie Hawkinson17 April 2024 17:08

Whistleblower says he received physical threats for speaking up

Sam Salehpour, whistleblower and quality engineer at Boeing, said his boss threatened him after he voiced concerns at a company meeting.

“My boss said, ‘I would have killed someone who said what you said in the meeting,’” Mr Salehpour testified before a Senate committee. “This is not safety culture, when you get threatened by bringing issues of safety concerns.”

Katie Hawkinson17 April 2024 16:56

Read More:Boeing whistleblower tells Congress he was threatened for speaking up: Live updates

2024-04-17 19:30:08

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