Alexei Navalny death latest: Putin critic’s ‘bruised body seen in morgue’ as family demands it is returned

Moscow police detain people at Navalny memorial event

Vladamir Putin believes that he is “untouchable” after years of an iron grip on Russia, the wife of jailed opposition figure Vladimir Kara-Murza has said, as she accused the autocrat of murdering Alexei Navalny.

Speaking to the BBC, Evgenia Kara-Murza said: “All that impunity that lasted for decades has led [Putin] to believe he’s somehow untouchable.”

It comes as an independent Russian newspaper cited an anonymous source claiming that Mr Navalny’s body had been delivered to the Salekhard District Clinical Hospital.

The unnamed source, identified as an experienced paramedic, said the body was bruised and had been transported from the nearby town of Labytnangi.

Some Russian media reported that a special team of investigators had arrived from Moscow. It is unclear when the post-mortem will take place.

Mr Navalny’s mother, Lyudmila Navalnaya, visited the Salekhard morgue on Saturday but was told her son’s body was not there.

The Russian opposition figure’s team have accused authorities of deliberately hiding his body to “cover traces” of what they claim is a clear act of murder.

David Lammy ‘concerned’ over ‘dirty money’ in London amid Russia sanctions

David Lammy has shared concerns that ‘dirty money’ could be ‘flowing through London’ amid sanctions against Russia.

The shadow foreign secretary told the BBC that Labour would be looking to “plug gaps” in existing sanctions, should they win the election – particularly following the death of Alexei Navalny.

“The UK has led on sanctions, the issue now is the enforcement of those sanctions”, he said.

“I remain concerned that the full implementation of the Russia report following the interference in our elections and the work of our select committee have not been fully implemented.”

David Lammy ‘concerned’ over ‘dirty money’ in London amid Russia sanctions

David Lammy has shared concerns that ‘dirty money’ could be ‘flowing through London’ amid sanctions against Russia. The shadow foreign secretary told the BBC that Labour would be looking to “plug gaps” in existing sanctions, should they win the election – particularly following the death of Alexei Navalny. “The UK has led on sanctions, the issue now is the enforcement of those sanctions”, he said. “I remain concerned that the full implementation of the Russia report following the interference in our elections and the work of our select committee have not been fully implemented.”

Tom Watling18 February 2024 16:05

Moscow police detain mourners laying flowers at Navalny memorial event

It’s thought that at least 177 people were detained across Friday (16 February) and Saturday (17 February) at events which included the laying of flowers, and protests.

Passersby filmed on their phones while police were seen carrying people away in Moscow and St Petersburg.

Authorities have warned Russians against participating in demonstrations.

No official cause of death has been released for Navalny, but blamed is being shifted towards Vladimir Putin.

Moscow police detain mourners laying flowers at Navalny memorial event

Police in Moscow have been spotted detaining mourners showing their support following the death of Alexei Navalny. It’s thought that at least 177 people were detained across Friday (16 February) and Saturday (17 February) at events which included the laying of flowers, and protests. Passersby filmed on their phones while police were seen carrying people away in Moscow and St Petersburg. Authorities have warned Russians against participating in demonstrations. No official cause of death has been released for Navalny, but blamed is being shifted towards Vladimir Putin.

Tom Watling18 February 2024 15:30

‘We all know it was murder’: Senior Tory blames Putin for Navalny’s death

“Putin has tried to murder Navalny multiple times”, she said at the Munich Security Conference. “The reason is to silence that dream of freedom that so many Russians have and that he [Navalny] represented.”

Foreign secretary David Cameron has already vowed that the UK will step in and hold Russia accountable for what happened.

Navalny’s family are now calling for his body to be released.

‘We all know it was murder’: Senior Tory blames Putin for Navalny’s death

Foreign Affairs Committee chairwoman Alicia Kearns claims that the death of Alexei Navalny was a result of ‘murder’ by Russia’s Vladimir Putin. “Putin has tried to murder Navalny multiple times”, she said at the Munich Security Conference. “The reason is to silence that dream of freedom that so many Russians have and that he [Navalny] represented.” Foreign secretary David Cameron has already vowed that the UK will step in and hold Russia accountable for what happened. Navalny’s family are now calling for his body to be released.

Tom Watling18 February 2024 14:57

Brazil’s Lula says Navalny’s death should be probed before accusations

Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has said there should be a thorough investigation into the death of prominent Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny before making any accusations.

His remarks were in sharp contrast to Western leaders’ strong and swift criticisms of Russia over Navalny’s death in an Arctic penal colony on Friday. US President Joe Biden said Russian President Vladimir Putin and “his thugs” were responsible.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov rejected such accusations as unacceptable.

Speaking at a press conference after attending an African Union summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Lula said refraining from taking a stance on the death at this moment was a matter of “common sense.”

“A citizen died in prison, I don’t know if he was ill or had any issues,” Lula said. “To make an accusation is to trivialize. I hope that a coroner will provide an explanation for why the individual died, that’s all.”

Lula’s comments reflected how non-Western nations have not joined the West in its efforts to deeply isolate Russian Putin over the invasion of Ukraine and other issues.

Lula has repeatedly called for peace in Ukraine and says that Russia should not have invaded. But he says that the United States has needlessly prolonged the war.

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva arrives before the opening ceremony of the 37th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union (AU) at the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa on February 17

(AFP via Getty Images)

Tom Watling18 February 2024 14:30

Alexei Navalny’s wife pays tribute to her husband on Instagram

Alexei Navalny’s wife, Yulia Navalnaya, has posted a picture on Instagram of her and her husband together with the caption “I love you”.

Tom Watling18 February 2024 14:00

In Russia’s Arctic, Alexei Navalny’s mother searches for her son’s body

For the mother of Alexei Navalny, the Russian opposition leader who died at age 47 in an Arctic penal colony, the journey to recover her son’s body Saturday was an odyssey with no clear destination.

In the end, she didn’t get what she came for.

Lyudmila Navalnaya, 69, received an official note Saturday stating that the politician had died in prison at 2:17 p.m. local time a day earlier, Kira Yarmysh, Navalny’s spokesperson said Saturday.

Tom Watling18 February 2024 13:30

‘No evidence’ Russia has decided what to do with emerging anti-satellite weapon, Biden says

President Joe Biden said Friday there was no sign Russia has decided to go ahead and deploy an emerging anti-satellite weapon, the disclosure of which has rattled Washington this week.

The White House has confirmed that U.S. intelligence officials have information indicating Russia has obtained such a capability, although such a weapon is not yet operational. Biden said Friday that “there’s no evidence that they have made a decision to go forward with doing anything in space,” while he continued to stress that there was no immediate danger to humans.

Tom Watling18 February 2024 13:00

Over 400 detained in Russia as country mourns the death of Alexei Navalny, Putin’s fiercest foe

Over 400 people were detained in Russia while paying tribute to opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who died at a remote Arctic penal colony, a prominent rights group reported.

The sudden death of Navalny, 47, was a crushing blow to many Russians, who had pinned their hopes for the future on President Vladimir Putin‘s fiercest foe. Navalny remained vocal in his unrelenting criticism of the Kremlin even after surviving a nerve agent poisoning and receiving multiple prison terms.

Tom Watling18 February 2024 12:30

Russian activist had to ‘brief children’ on what nerve agent poisoning looks like

A former Russian supermodel-turned-activist has revealed that she’s had to ‘brief’ her children on what nerve agent poisoning looks like in the wake of Alexei Navalny‘s death – and fears something could happen to her.

Ksenia Maximova has been helping Russians to flee Putin‘s regime, and is now based in the UK, scared to return to her home country as she would likely be arrested.

“I have been told I shouldn’t worry about my safety here [the UK], she told Sky‘s Trevor Phillips.

“I definitely can’t travel to some places”, she added, noting that she would be extradited.

Russian activist had to ‘brief children’ on what nerve agent poisoning looks like

A former Russian supermodel-turned-activist has revealed that she’s had to ‘brief’ her children on what nerve agent poisoning looks like in the wake of Alexei Navalny’s death – and fears something could happen to her. Ksenia Maximova has been helping Russians to flee Putin’s regime, and is now based in the UK, scared to return to her home country as she would…

Read More:Alexei Navalny death latest: Putin critic’s ‘bruised body seen in morgue’ as family demands it is returned

2024-02-19 03:17:15

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