‘Screw Him’: Congressional Democrat Loses It on Tuberville for Blocking Military Nominations

(Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call via AP Images)

The top-ranking Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee blasted Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s (R-AL) hold on military nominees.

Tuberville’s protest has stalled more than 400 senior military promotions and frustrated members of both parties. At issue is a Department of Defense policy that reimburses out-of-state travel expenses for service members who travel to obtain abortions because the procedure is illegal where they are stationed.

The Biden administration implemented the policy last year after the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade, at which point, many states enacted restrictions on abortion.

Tuberville has floated the idea of ending the policy by including language to that effect through the National Defense Authorization Act, which funds the military.

Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.) offered his reaction.

“No, screw him. He lost, and he’s trying to tear down this country because he disagrees with the policy,” Smith told reporters when asked about Tuberville.

“If the Republicans insist upon that, we will not have an NDAA,” he added. “And I don’t believe they will insist on that.”

Per Politico:

Reversing the policy via the defense bill is one of a handful of alternatives Tuberville floated at a closed-door GOP Senate meeting Tuesday that was aimed at ending the impasse.Democrats aren’t willing to yield on the policy, which they argue is necessary to shore up access to abortion for military personnel stationed in states where it is no longer legal. And Tuesday’s election wins will likely only bolster their position.

Read More:‘Screw Him’: Congressional Democrat Loses It on Tuberville for Blocking Military Nominations

2023-11-10 00:47:00

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