NV Energy Places Public Safety Outage Management Watch for Tomorrow | News

Over 1,600 NV Energy customers may find themselves without power for around 24 hours. A Public Safety Outage Management, or PSOM, watch is expected to start tomorrow morning at nine.

It’s set to impact customers in the area of Genoa, Glenbrook and South Carson areas.

People are planning by bringing out more blankets for the cold, and making sure none of their food needs to be refrigerated or heated up.

If a power outage does happen, some businesses will be more impacted than others.

“We obviously can’t blow dry anyone’s hair we can’t process them under the dryer,” said Linda Nicholudis, Owner of Genoa Salon. “We can’t process credit cards so we’re out of business unless we take gold or chickens.”

The salon said they could take a financial hit, as rescheduling their clients is presenting challenges.

“It’s going to set us all back,” Nicholudis said. “We’ve got to reschedule our clients and when you’re booked out for two weeks it’s hard to schedule our clients.”

Genoa Bar is prepared for a potential outage.

“Well, we’re prepared, our generator is all gassed up, so it’ll be like a four second outage for us,” said Deanna Sorhouet, Bartender for Genoa Bar.

People in the affected areas received calls, texts or emails from NV Energy about the possible outage.

Which some said, it was nice to get a notice before hand.

The outage ultimately depends on the weather conditions and fire risks.

While 24 hours is the plan, it could be shorter or take even longer.

Crews will make sure there is no debris or damage to the lines before turning the power back on.

“Extreme weather conditions could create a fire if those conditions could come together in the right way,” said Jesse Murray, NV Energy Vice President of Electric Delivery. “So that’s why we’ve issued a watch to our customers now.  We will continue to monitor overnight, and we will make the decision in the morning whether we will actually take the outage based on the weather we’ve actually observed. “

Some people said they aren’t too worried if an outage does occur.

“I don’t know make the best out of it,” said Gabriele Shirley, South Carson resident. “Take out lots of blankets if I need to, but I think I’ll be ok.”

Mother nature will ultimately decide if many will be without power, but if she’s nice, there won’t be any at all.

Read More:NV Energy Places Public Safety Outage Management Watch for Tomorrow | News

2023-10-25 02:39:50

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