Monahans Farmers Market has been going strong for six years

MONAHANS, Texas — The Permian Basin is no stranger to farmers markets.

Lots of communities in West Texas put on their own markets, but it’s not everyday that you hear about a hospital being the one behind starting one up.

Since its inception, the Monahans Farmers Market’s purpose has been more than just promoting local agriculture.

“We started this six years ago because we wanted to make sure we had some availability of good produce, some healthy options for our community,” said Leticia Rodriguez, CEO of Ward Memorial Hospital. “Also bringing awareness as far as, you know, ‘how’s your blood sugar?’ doing blood pressure checks.”

The parallels between promoting both local agriculture and health and wellness was something even 14-year-old hospital volunteer and Farmers Market committee member Rowdy Pollock noticed.

“Hospitals, they have to do with health, and health has to do with produce,” said Pollock. “And we have produce. And that’ll encourage healthy eating.” 

Six years in and the market is still going strong.

Rodriguez feels that the hospital’s job of promoting health and wellness doesn’t have to stop inside its walls.

“Well obviously, you know, we go into this field to fulfill a sense of purpose, right?” Rodriguez continued. “We’re here to help our neighbors. That’s kind of our motto, neighbors helping neighbors and that’s what we’re doing.” 

If you missed today’s farmers market the next one will be taking place on August 19th.

Read More:Monahans Farmers Market has been going strong for six years

2023-07-16 03:18:00

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