Rat scampers from Xmas tree pursued by a cat and sends family into a panic

This is the horrifying moment a rat scurried from a underneath a Christmas tree, sending a family into panic mode and reaching for an air rifle.

The family had been enjoying an evening in their living room when they spotted something moving in the tree, shaking the festive lights and decorations.

Suddenly, the brown-gray rodent appeared from beneath the branches, and made a break for it across the living room floor and towards the family’s kitchen.

As screams filled the room, footage of the surprise encounter – thought to have been captured in the US and posted to TikTok – showed the family’s cat chasing after the rat – and very nearly catching it in its claws.

This is the horrifying moment a rat scurried from a underneath a Christmas tree, sending a family into panic mode and reaching for an air rifle – and a cat chasing after it

In the video, the parents of the family can be heard cheering their pet on, and the near-miss encounter was enough to deter the rat from venturing any further into the house.

Narrowly escaping the cat’s clutches, the rodent turned around and shot back towards the safe haven of the Christmas tree, running up its trunk.

Zooming up-close to the tree, video filmed by the family showed the rat hidden amongst the branches of the tree, presumable thinking itself safe.

But the family had different ideas with footage showing the parents going on the offensive and arming themselves with weapons to tackle the invasive rodent.

The parents of the family can be heard cheering their pet on, but the near-miss encounter was enough to deter the rat (pictured) from venturing any further into the house. Narrowly escaping the cat’s clutches, the rodent turned around and shot back towards the safe haven of the Christmas tree, running up its trunk

The couple put on shoes for protection and grabbed a broom, wielded by the father, and an air rifle, wielded by the mother. In the video uploaded to their TikTok page littlebluehouse_lbh, the father can be seen climbing on top of a dresser, urging his wife to take the fatal shot

The couple put on shoes for protection – the mother in thick leather boots and the father in trainers – and grabbed a broom, wielded by the father, and an air rifle, wielded by the mother.

In the video uploaded to their TikTok page littlebluehouse_lbh, the father can be seen climbing on top of a dresser, urging his wife to take the fatal shot.

In the chaotic scenes that follow, the pair are shown shouting as they chase the rat around the room. The father is seen swinging the broom at the rat while trying to avoid it scurrying across the floor, as the mother take shots at it.

Finally, they appear to trap the rat in the corner of the room. The mother points the rifle – with questionable technique – at the rodent. She appears to miss with her first shit, but steadies herself for a second.

Leaning in over a table, the mother takes aim, fires, and cheers triumphantly. ‘Got him in his neck,’ she is heard shouting in the chaotic footage

Leaning in closer over a table, she takes aim, fires, and cheers triumphantly. ‘Got him in his neck,’ she is heard shouting, before running off to comfort a crying child that can be heard in the background.

The family posted the video to their TikTok channel. It has since racked up more than 4 million views, and over 80,000 likes. ‘We had a rat in our Christmas tree!!! Check those Christmas boxes, people!’ they wrote.

Users flooded the comments praising the couple, taking particular note of the mother’s willingness to get her hands dirty.

‘Love how she was taking care of business and he was on top of the dresser screaming,’ one user wrote. Another said: ‘Can we just address the fact that momma is taking care of business and sir is levitating for life.’ A third praised the couple’s relative calmness. ‘You’re so calm I’d be setting my house on fire,’ they said.

Read More:Rat scampers from Xmas tree pursued by a cat and sends family into a panic

2022-12-02 16:51:20

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