Ministers have right opportunity to solve district’s problems

“There are three ministers from the district in the State cabinet while two are in Central Government along with the Opposition leader to Legislative Council. Some more are in waiting to get the posts of ministers. This is the right opportunity for all of us to solve the district’s problems. If we miss the opportunity, it will be a big mistake,” said ministers from the district in a programme organised by Aurangabad District Central Cooperative Bank (ADCCB) on Saturday.

Union Minister of State for Finance Dr Bhagwat Karad, Guardian Minister Sandeepan Bhumre Patil, Cooperation Minister Atul Save, Agriculture Minister Abdul Sattar and others were present.

Atul Save said that compensation to farmers would be deposited into their accounts directly by October 20.

ADCCB chairman Nitin Patil made special efforts to bring all the ministers on one platform. Opposition leader to State Legislative Council Ambadas Danve could not attend the programme as he was on a tour of Dhule. The absence of bank director Krishna Patil Dongaonkar and his wife Devyani Dongaonkar was felt.


ministers reiterated imp of their dept

Each minister who was present for the programme reiterated the importance of their department and what decisions they had taken. MLC and director of the bank Satish Chavan presented the important points of ADCCB.


target of Rs 3 K crore distribution

Earlier, chairman of the bank Nitin Patil presented the problems of the bank.

He said that the bank would achieve the target of distributing crop loans of Rs 3,000 crore by March 2023.

Archana Adhyapak conducted the proceedings of the programme while the bank’s vice-chairman Arjunrao Gade Patil proposed a vote of thanks.

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Read More:Ministers have right opportunity to solve district’s problems

2022-10-15 17:57:02

ADCCBAtul SaveAurangabad District Central Cooperative BankdistrictsLegislative CouncilMinistersOpportunityproblemsSandeepan bhumre patilSolveState legislative council
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