LETTERS TO THE EDITOR | Our cabinet is incompetent, corrupt – Readers’ response on Hersov’s views

Robert Hersov. Photo: Supplied

An opinion piece written by Bruce Robertson on Rob Hersov’s recent views has generated a mixed response from News24’s readers. Robertson in his article, Rob Hersov, a graceless charlatan and patronising paper tiger, wrote that watching Hersov spewing bile without displaying an ounce of self-awareness was galling. Here is what readers wrote in response: 

Argument was a stretch

When you strip out the ad hominem attacks on both Rob Hersov and Alec Hogg from Bruce Robertson’s opinion piece, you are left with a paean to the present president’s past, and the admission that the cabinet is both incompetent and corrupt.

Our families are burdens we all have to bear, and the weight can be overwhelming or it can be light; but the “whataboutism” of allowing the main countervailing fact in his article to be that the Hersov family made their money in mining in South Africa, seems to be the sort of stretch that a personal trainer at Virgin Active would advise against.

If Mr. Robertson wants to burnish his “white saviour” credentials by reminding us all about the torrid circumstances of migrant workers in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, may I suggest that he do so without riding on the coattails of the excellent arguments that Rob Hersov makes for us seeking a swift end to ANC rule?

– Trevor Tutu 

Time for Ramaphosa to go

The writer uses the infantile ploy of not responding to the essence of the speech but rather pointing out how Rob Hersov’s family acquired their wealth, thus invalidating everything Hersov said. How puerile.

I am classified a coloured and I am 67-years-old. I have lived through everything that is the post Sharpeville to 1990’s Uhuru SA scenario. I saw and admired Cyril Ramaphosa’s rise to fame as a leader of National Union of Mineworkers. He incidentally, as I did, came from the Black Consciousness tradition. 

I, more than Hersov do believe that Ramaphosa is a pathetic, weak, hopeless leader, politically and ethically compromised individual. He is quite frankly the worst president this country has had, bar none. This country needs radical economic transformation and NOT of the venal RET ANC faction type.

So, while I would hate to be characterised as a Hersov apologist, I have been a sentient, marginalised South African for long enough to distinguish the Hersov’s from the apologists.

Ramaphosa must go if South Africa hopes to escape the morass we are in

– Michael Davy

Wealth built on the back of mineworkers

The point is that there is a direct link between today’s structural inequality and corruption and Rob Herzov’s family history. If the man had an ounce of humility and self-awareness, he would ask where and how he can help build a better country rather than insult and patronise political leaders (who no doubt deserve to be heavily criticised). He may feel very powerful gallivanting in private jets and throwing parties attended by people who, like him, believe they’re above the rules governing mere mortals. But his family wealth is entirely built on the back of generations of poor mineworkers. 

– News24 user @SimphiweK

Black business feels the same about Ramaphosa as Hersov does

Cyril Ramaphosa has done nothing for black business. Why did he not call an Investors Summit or Conference in townships for black business? It is simple: Ramaphosa doesn’t see black business owners as investors. 

Rob Hersov said what most black business say about Ramaphosa on the streets everyday. 

Rob Hersov has reasons to be angry with Ramaphosa. All Investors want Return on Investment (ROI) and if they don’t get it they have a legal right to be angry. 

It’s the duty of government, including Ramaphosa, to create that environment as he promised an enabling environment to investors. 

– Channon Lecodey Merricks, Kasi Broadcasting Corporation 

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Read More:LETTERS TO THE EDITOR | Our cabinet is incompetent, corrupt – Readers’ response on Hersov’s views

2022-09-17 03:20:55

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