The reason why Joe Biden changed how he walks

No longer flying solo.

President Biden has changed up his routine walking to Marine One on the White House’s South Lawn, now inviting aides to join him — and block news cameras from snapping a shot of him shuffling or taking another of his notorious stumbles.

The 81-year-old commander-in-chief had typically taken the walk solo over the last three years, but began being flanked by aides around mid-April.

President Biden has begun to surround himself with aides so cameras can’t capture evidence of his age. AP

Advisers to Biden told Axios that the new company is prompted by concerns that his walking style could draw attention to his age.

Some of the aides believe the images of the new routine present him as more agile, and expect to have others continue to join him for the photo ops, according to the outlet.

In March, the president was seen walking to and from Marine One on the White House lawn five times — either by himself or in the company of family members.

But since April 16, the president has been seen walking to and from the chopper with his staff or lawmakers nine out of 10 times.

The president has held the fewest White House press conferences or formal interviews of any commander-in-chief in modern history, often forcing the press corps to shout questions at him as he dashes across the South Lawn to board Marine One.

As the nation approaches the election, Biden and his team could be trying to shift the focus on his age — which has been highlighted and put on blast multiple times during his presidency, especially in the last year.

First lady Jill Biden has frequently accompanied him off the dais at such events — and positioned herself to help shut down press conferences that could give the president’s critics more evidence that his age is a political liability.

One of the president’s most notable stumbles came last summer while he was on stage greeting recent graduates of the Air Force Academy.

President Biden has had a number of stumbles during his term. AP

His staff has also since taken steps to help prevent the president from tripping.

Biden has been seen wearing shoes that provide him with extra, but necessary, support, according to Axios.

He has also been seen boarding Air Force One on a lower level after he was captured numerous times on video stumbling while he climbed longer stairs while entering the plane.

Biden is also reported to be regularly doing physical therapy and stretching exercises.

While the president’s team continues to work to change the public’s perception of his fitness, the Biden campaign has also leaned into using his age as an asset during the election cycle.

Just last month, Biden narrated a campaign ad in which he emphasized that his age and experience are actually strengths that help him “get things done.”

“Look, I’m not a young guy. That’s no secret,” says Biden in a new 60-second spot called “For You” — part of a new $30 million advertising buy in battleground states. “But here’s the deal — I understand how to get things done for the American people.”

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Read More:The reason why Joe Biden changed how he walks

2024-04-26 14:09:00

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