Why Gen Z should diversify portfolios with digital gold? MintGenie explains

In the fast-paced world of finance, where the traditional meets the technological, a new generation of investors is emerging, driven by a unique perspective and a digital-first mindset. Gen Z, the generation raised on smartphones and the internet, is redefining the way we think about investing. A wise adage goes, “Spread your risk like a well-planned garden,” and in the world of financial planning, this wisdom couldn’t be truer.

Diversification is a core aspect of any investment strategy, and it’s a principle that holds universal appeal, across generations. With one foot rooted in the wisdom of the past and the other firmly planted in the possibilities of the future, Gen Z is taking diversification to a whole new level.

In this present-day world of finance, there’s an exciting and shiny addition to their investment toolkit – digital gold. Let’s glimpse into how the next generation is carving its path to financial success with digital gold.

The allure of digital gold

In India, where gold has held a special place in the hearts and portfolios of investors for centuries, digital gold emerges as a modern twist to an age-old tradition. What makes digital gold particularly relevant for Gen Z investors is its fusion of tradition with technology. It offers the best of both worlds, combining the timeless appeal of gold with the ease and accessibility of the digital realm.

One of the primary options for investing in digital gold in India is through Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBs), which are government-issued bonds linked to the price of gold. Another avenue is Gold Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), which allow investors to buy and sell gold units on stock exchanges.

Historical significance

To understand the relevance of digital gold, we can look back at history. The post-9/11 era witnessed a surge in gold prices. Gold prices during these times rose from $215.50 per ounce to $287, driven by the uncertainty of nervous investors seeking safety. It highlights the role of gold as a safe haven during economic turmoil. Even when the global economy grappled with uncertainties like the COVID-19 pandemic, gold continued to maintain its appeal as a store of value. Global investors poured substantial funds into gold, leading to a sharp increase in its value during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Experts observed a significant uptick in gold prices coinciding with the surge in COVID-19 cases.

For Gen Z investors, who have grown up in a world marked by such economic turbulences, the choice of digital gold as a hedge against uncertainty is hard to ignore.

Increasing preference for digital gold

Gold remains a widely invested avenue in India with a minimum 53 percent of the population preferring gold as an investment option. There are also reports that indicate a rising preference for digital gold among contemporary Indian investors, including Gen Z. A recent survey suggests that at least 15 percent of Indians between the age of 18-24 will invest in digital gold. This signifies a recognition of the value digital gold brings to an investment portfolio.

Advantages of digital gold

One of the key perks of digital gold is its liquidity compared to traditional investment options. During times of crisis or market volatility, having investments in a liquid form is essential for regaining financial stability. Digital gold allows investors to swiftly convert their holdings into cash, providing a safety net when needed the most.

Security: Online platforms offering digital gold often come with robust security measures, protecting your investment from physical theft or loss.

Transparency: The digital nature of these investments provides transparency in pricing and transactions, ensuring you’re always aware of the value of your gold holdings.

Accessibility and lower ticket size advantage: Unlike physical gold, digital gold can be purchased in smaller quantities, allowing investors with limited resources like the Gen-Z to participate. You can start your digital gold investment journey with an amount as low as one gram. This accessibility democratises gold investment, making it available to a broader demographic.

Watch out for potential concerns

While digital gold offers a host of benefits, it’s essential to acknowledge the concerns too. One concern is the digital landscape’s vulnerability to cyber threats. Investors must ensure they choose trusted platforms with robust security measures. Additionally, the price of digital gold can vary slightly from physical gold due to intermediary charges. However, this price difference is generally minimal and outweighed by the convenience and accessibility it offers.

Parting Words

Digital gold is an adaptable and appealing option for diversifying investment portfolios, especially for Gen Z. Combining the enduring appeal of gold as a low-risk asset with digital convenience, it is well-suited for economic uncertainty. Its growing popularity, accessibility, and lower entry costs make it an enticing choice. Despite some concerns, digital gold offers a reliable all-weather investment, providing stability and value in a dynamic financial landscape, akin to a well-planned, ever-thriving garden.

Yashoraj Tyagi, CEO, CASHe

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Read More:Why Gen Z should diversify portfolios with digital gold? MintGenie explains

2023-11-25 06:43:37

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