Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence Puts the US in the Driver’s Seat – Newsroom

President Joe Biden’s recent executive order on artificial intelligence (AI) is an incredibly positive and forward-thinking move. The U.S., through initiatives like this, has the potential to set the gold standard in guiding progress and influencing the responsible development and deployment of this transformative technology. 

The U.S. has long been a global leader in technological advancements. Today, the development and management of artificial intelligence is the technological advancement that all nations are working to develop. And the regulations and guidelines laid out in this order put the U.S. in the driver’s seat toward building a framework that can be observed and adopted by nations worldwide.  

This executive order also marks a crucial milestone in the U.S. government’s own approach to AI. It mandates safety assessments, equity and civil rights guidance, in addition to research on AI’s impact on the labor market. Such actions are pivotal to ensuring that AI is developed responsibly and ethically, considering its wide-ranging implications on society. 

One of the key aspects making this move so effective is the focus on safety and security standards. Requiring companies to share safety test results with the federal government and creating guidelines for watermarking – the process of superimposing a marker over text or imagery to indicate it was created by artificial intelligence – are essential steps toward ensuring the safe and ethical deployment of this technology. By emphasizing the protection of consumer privacy and advancing equity and civil rights, the order showcases a commitment to mitigating discrimination and bias, which is a significant need in the AI landscape at this time. 

Additionally, the order’s provisions to protect consumers and support workers indicate a holistic approach toward AI’s impact on various sectors. Evaluating potentially harmful AI-related health care practices and studying the labor market implications show a forward-looking perspective. 

By promoting innovation and competition, while facilitating international collaboration on AI standards, the U.S. aims to not only foster its own technological growth but also to influence a global dialogue on AI governance. Cooperation with international partners will aid in creating a unified approach to AI regulation and development, fostering a more ethical and consistent global AI landscape.  

The primary significance of this executive order lies in its proactive nature. It not only addresses existing concerns but also anticipates potential issues that could arise with the rapid advancement of this technology. The emphasis on creating guidelines for federal agencies’ use and procurement of AI and the development of the AI workforce demonstrates a commitment to “future-proofing.”  

Biden’s directive is not only a step in the right direction – it’s a leap toward responsible AI governance. It’s an acknowledgment of the urgency to regulate AI and ensure its development aligns with ethical considerations and societal well-being.

The world is witnessing the power and potential of AI firsthand, and as the U.S. takes a significant step forward in regulating its development, it sets the stage for global leadership in responsible AI deployment. This move reflects a deep understanding of the necessity to balance innovation with ethical considerations, setting an example for the rest of the world to follow.

This executive order is not just a national policy but a global statement. It sets the tone for responsible AI development, positioning the U.S. as a trailblazer in guiding other nations to adopt similar principles. The impact of this move is not only about regulation but about fostering a collective consciousness around the use of artificial intelligence for the betterment of society as a whole. 

Manjeet Rege is a professor and chair of the Department of Software Engineering and Data Science at the University of St. Thomas. Rege is an author, mentor, thought leader, and a frequent public speaker on big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence technologies. He is also the co-host of the “All Things Data” podcast that brings together leading data scientists, technologists, business model experts and futurists to discuss strategies to utilize, harness and deploy data science, data-driven strategies and enable digital transformation. Apart from being engaged in research, Rege regularly consults with various organizations to provide expert guidance for building big data and AI practice, and applying innovative data science approaches. He has published in various peer-reviewed reputed venues such as IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery Journal, IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, and the World Wide Web Conference. He is on the editorial review board of Journal of Computer Information Systems and regularly serves on the program committees of various international conferences.

Read More:Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence Puts the US in the Driver’s Seat – Newsroom

2023-10-31 18:39:34

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