Uttarakhand: Village boy creates innovative device for women’s safety, wins gold medal

Time and again the lawmakers of the country have promised to create a safe environment for women while some stringent steps have been taken, unfortunately, crimes against women has continued to escalate and have turned more brutal recently. The latest incidents against women in Manipur have jolted the country already, raising a question for the system when will women feel safe in the country?

Time and again the lawmakers of the country have promised to create a safe environment for women while some stringent steps have been taken, unfortunately, crimes against women has continued to escalate and have turned more brutal recently. The latest incidents against women in Manipur have jolted the country already, raising a question for the system when will women feel safe in the country?

With a surge in crimes against women, a teenage boy in Uttarakhand has created an SOS device that ensures women’s safety.

With a surge in crimes against women, a teenage boy in Uttarakhand has created an SOS device that ensures women’s safety.

17-year-old Rohit Parihar, residing at a tiny hamlet called Wajula in Uttarkhand’s Bageshwar district, has created an innovative device that can be inserted into any handbag or purse. Parihar, a commerce student at Atal Utkrisht Param Singh Parihar GIC said, “Women carry a handbag or a purse most of the time, and it can never appear suspicious to any offender if a safety device is kept inside it”.

17-year-old Rohit Parihar, residing at a tiny hamlet called Wajula in Uttarkhand’s Bageshwar district, has created an innovative device that can be inserted into any handbag or purse. Parihar, a commerce student at Atal Utkrisht Param Singh Parihar GIC said, “Women carry a handbag or a purse most of the time, and it can never appear suspicious to any offender if a safety device is kept inside it”.

The prototype of the Smart Device for Women Safety device has three key features–Emergency Automatic Calling, GPS navigation, and a spy camera. He explained: “If the woman presses the trigger button on this device so automatically the family people and local police station will get the call. After that, the police or family can track her via GPS location to rescue the woman. The spy camera will record everything around, and the recording can be watched later”.

The prototype of the Smart Device for Women Safety device has three key features–Emergency Automatic Calling, GPS navigation, and a spy camera. He explained: “If the woman presses the trigger button on this device so automatically the family people and local police station will get the call. After that, the police or family can track her via GPS location to rescue the woman. The spy camera will record everything around, and the recording can be watched later”.

With an increasing number of crimes against women in the country, Parihar felt like making a device that can work at ground level. He worked on the device last year in December. The safety device can be charged like a smartphone, and can work for a maximum of 27 hours and a minimum of 24 hours, the teenager claimed. The GPS of the device can work without the internet and past recordings can be easily retrieved

With an increasing number of crimes against women in the country, Parihar felt like making a device that can work at ground level. He worked on the device last year in December. The safety device can be charged like a smartphone, and can work for a maximum of 27 hours and a minimum of 24 hours, the teenager claimed. The GPS of the device can work without the internet and past recordings can be easily retrieved

Parihar won a gold medal at Virtual Innovation Competition 2023 for this device. Parihar says he has constantly received support from his school teachers in executing his ideas. When Parihar was in 7th standard he worked on a project of biodegradable whose patent process is underway. At a very young age, Parihar created a smart water tank, milk ATM, and farming equipment specifically designed for Uttarakhand farmers.

Parihar won a gold medal at Virtual Innovation Competition 2023 for this device. Parihar says he has constantly received support from his school teachers in executing his ideas. When Parihar was in 7th standard he worked on a project of biodegradable whose patent process is underway. At a very young age, Parihar created a smart water tank, milk ATM, and farming equipment specifically designed for Uttarakhand farmers.

Parihar has participated in numerous innovation-related competitions in the past, such as Bal Vigyan Congress Inspire Award, ATL Marathon, a reality TV show The Inventor Challenge, etc. He has also been selected for APJ Abdul Kalam Award this year.

Parihar has participated in numerous innovation-related competitions in the past, such as Bal Vigyan Congress Inspire Award, ATL Marathon, a reality TV show The Inventor Challenge, etc. He has also been selected for APJ Abdul Kalam Award this year.

Parihar, who is financially strapped, is seeking monetary support to continue his innovations. The Class 12 student, dreams to build his startup in the future where he can create consumer and environmental-friendly gadgets.

Parihar, who is financially strapped, is seeking monetary support to continue his innovations. The Class 12 student, dreams to build his startup in the future where he can create consumer and environmental-friendly gadgets.

Read More:Uttarakhand: Village boy creates innovative device for women’s safety, wins gold medal

2023-07-23 07:20:33

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