FBI Director Wray faces off with his off with his harshest critics at heated congressional hearing


House Republicans unloaded a barrage of criticism directed toward FBI Director Christopher Wray Wednesday, outlining a litany of complaints while Wray testified before the House Judiciary Committee.

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan opened the hearing launching into a wide array of attacks on the FBI, from allegations the bureau allowed social media companies to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020 to claims FBI whistleblowers have been retaliated against to the FBI’s handling of threats on school boards, a since-withdrawn memo from the bureau’s Richmond field office that focused on extremism in the Catholic Church.

Republicans accused Wray of undermining public trust in the law enforcement agency, including the handling of the investigations into former President Donald Trump and the son of President Joe Biden, Hunter Biden.

“Are you protecting the Bidens?” asked Rep. Matt Gaetz, a Florida Republican, after pressing Wray over allegations from an IRS whistleblower related to the Hunter Biden investigation.

“Absolutely not,” Wray responded. “The FBI does not, has no interest in protecting anyone politically.”

Gaetz and Wray got into a heated exchange after the Florida Republican alleged that the bureau has “the lowest level of trust in the FBI’s history.”

“People trusted the FBI more when J. Edgar Hoover was running the place than when you are, and the reason is because you don’t give straight answers,” Gaetz said.

“Respectfully congressman, in your home state of Florida, the number of people applying to come work for us and devote their lives working for us is over up over 100%,” Wray responded.

Gaetz shot back: “We’re deeply proud of them, and they deserve better than you.”

Wray defended the FBI broadly in the face of the GOP attacks, acknowledging there have been mistakes – such as abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act process – but arguing that the bureau has taken appropriate steps to address those problems. In his opening remarks, Wray encouraged committee members to look at the “sheer breadth and impact of the work” the FBI does, which, he will say, “goes way beyond the one or two investigations that seem to capture all the headlines.”

Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

FBI Director Christopher Wray is seated to testify on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC.

Jordan, an Ohio Republican, has made the FBI a central focus of his panel’s investigative work, and has set out to prove that the agency has been weaponized against conservatives – with Wray being a top target. The hearing comes as House Republicans have continued to defend Trump and accuse the DOJ and FBI of carrying out a two-tiered system of justice, with many of the former president’s fiercest allies sitting opposite of Wray on Wednesday.

Jordan said that he opposed funding the FBI with a new headquarters or reauthorizing FISA 702, which allows the government to obtain communications to track foreign terrorist threats. Jordan said that he hoped Democrats would “work with us in the appropriations process to stop the weaponization of the government against the American people and in this double standard that exists now in our justice system.”

Democrats responded by arguing that the hearing itself was entirely political and that Republicans were trying to protect Trump.

“For Republicans, this hearing is little more than performance art. It is an elaborate show designed with only two purposes in mind: to protect Donald Trump from the consequences of his actions, and to return him to the White House in the next election,” New York Rep. Jerry Nadler, the committee’s top Democrat, said Wednesday.

“House Republicans will attack the FBI for having had the audacity to treat Donald Trump like any other citizen. The strategy is simple, really. When in doubt, Chairman Jordan investigates the investigators. The FBI dared to hold Trump accountable, so Republicans must discredit them at all costs,” Nadler added.

Wray’s opening statement highlighted the bureau’s successes over the past year, including the arrest of more than “20,000 violent criminals and child predators,” the “well over 300 investigations targeting the leadership” of drug cartels that traffic fentanyl and other narcotics across the southern border, and the “thousands of active investigations we now have into the Chinese government’s efforts to steal our most precious secrets, rob our businesses of their ideas and innovation, and repress freedom of speech right here in the United States.”

Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

Rep. Jim Jordan, Republican of Ohio and chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, speaks during a hearing with FBI Director Christopher Wray.

Republicans raised numerous grievances during the hearing, dating all the way back to the FBI’s investigation into Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia during the 2016 election.

While some Republicans referenced the Trump investigations, most focused on other issues, including allegations that Catholic Americans were targeted by the FBI and questions over whether a Justice Department strategy to address threats against teachers and school officials was abused to target conservative parents are also expected to come up during the hearing, the sources said.

The FBI’s alleged role in censoring free speech was also a focal point. The committee released a new report on Monday, obtained first by CNN, alleging the FBI participated in a flawed effort to stop Russian disinformation at the behest of a Ukrainian intelligence agency that instead ensnared authentic American accounts – even a verified Russian-language US State Department account.

The report was a key committee step in their investigation into whether the federal government played a role in censoring speech online, and comes as Republicans continue to attack the Biden administration’s work with social media platforms, which initially ramped up over intervention on stories about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

FBI Director Christopher Wray is sworn in prior to testifying before a House Judiciary Committee hearing.

GOP Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky grilled Wray about the pipe bomb found at the Democratic National Committee on January 6, 2021, while the attack at the US Capitol was ongoing, asking why the bureau has not been able to share more information about the incident or identify a suspect in the matter.

While Wray said he was limited in what he could share, as is practice for an ongoing criminal investigation, Massie lamented that it has been 900 days since the incident and shot back: “We can handle classified information and we fund your department and so you need to provide that.”

Authorities have not identified the suspect who placed pipe bombs near the Democratic National Committee and Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington, DC.

A video Massie played during Wednesday’s hearing shows an individual, wearing what appears to be a backpack, walking on January 6 past the DNC location where the pipe bomb was found and then approaching two police cars parked nearby. One of the cars appears to be the security detail for then-Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.

Shortly after the individual walked up to the police cars, the officers inside emerged and appeared to walk toward the pipe bomb location. Massie claimed that the video appears to show that this passerby happened upon the pipe bomb placed outside the DNC, then notified law enforcement parked nearby.

“You need to tell us what you found, because we’re finding stuff you haven’t released,” Massie said.

Wray responded: “I don’t want to speculate about specific individuals. I will tell you that we have done thousands of interviews, reviewed something like 40,000 video files of which this is one, assessed 500 something tips.”

Wray revealed on Wednesday that the bureau has created a new unit to focus on threats against personnel after last year’s search at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort.

Wray’s testimony Wednesday gave new insight into the effects of the threats against federal law enforcement following the search and Trump’s federal indictment in Florida several weeks ago.

“We did stand up a whole dedicated unit to focus on threats to FBI,…

Read More:FBI Director Wray faces off with his off with his harshest critics at heated congressional hearing

2023-07-12 16:28:00

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