3D Cloud by Marxent bags US patent for kitchen design tech — Retail Technology Innovation Hub

“The kitchen design journey is frustrating and time-intensive for consumers. It requires a lot of iteration and traditional desktop design software just doesn’t support collaboration or work on mobile devices,” says Beck Besecker, CEO and Co-Founder of 3D Cloud by Marxent.  

“Automated design is a major step toward streamlining the kitchen buying experience for the mobile-generation consumer. It reduces the lift on manual revisions and will make collaboration between kitchen designers and homeowners so much easier.”

“Imagine seeing multiple cabinet layouts for a custom floor plan with a few taps on a mobile device instead of sitting at a desktop and placing one kitchen cabinet at a time,” Besecker adds. 

“With auto-layout, consumers can build an entire kitchen design in seconds and explore a full range of complete, buyable kitchen layout options by scrolling through a series of images.”

“We are already seeing impressive results. When given the option, one in four consumers use auto-layout and they try out five layouts per session on average.”

“This patented feature will save designers thousands of hours and give consumers more power to self-serve. It is the next leap forward in digital commerce for kitchen cabinet retailers.”

“With this new design automation patent, we are well on our way to enabling kitchen cabinet configuration on mobile devices.”

Auto-layout is available to kitchen cabinet retailers and manufacturers. The tech will be rolled out for furniture, office, closets, and other home categories in the near future.

Read More:3D Cloud by Marxent bags US patent for kitchen design tech — Retail Technology Innovation Hub

2022-10-19 05:40:00

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