10 Characters That Fans Would Love To Be Friends With

Everyone is friends in the snowglobe world of Stars Hollow, the fictional Connecticut town that the Gilmore Girls call home. The gold standard of best-friend relationships? Why mother and daughter, Lorelai and Rory.

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Like in any small town where everyone knows everyone, and everybody, at some point, interacts with each other, you have to be able to see the good in all. Each denizen of the hamlet has something to offer by way of being a pal. Whatever your needs, here’s whose door to knock on.

10 Logan Huntzberger

On Gilmore Girls, Logan looking happy and smiling; Logan and Rory smiling at each other

Fun-loving in a reckless kind of way, Logan (Matt Czuchry) lives as though life has no consequences because there are none when you’re the son of a newspaper magnate who can get you out of trouble with one phone call and a large check. The Huntzberger heir is the guy you text (hopefully not that often) when you want to relax for a couple of hours.

By the end of your night with Logan, you’ll have ridden in a hot air balloon, danced wildly at a hot club, or kayaked over a waterfall. Even if it was for a couple of hours, Logan could provide a welcoming distraction.

9 Dean Forester

On Gilmore Girls, close up of Dean in his Doose market apron; Dean and Rory making a cute couple

A knock-around pal who’s your go-to for a pick-up game of hoops, just to take a walk, or talk about “stuff,” your pal Dean (Jared Padalecki) is good-natured, easy-going, and has no snobbery in him at all. Even though you know he’s always got your back, he’s the guy who brings out the protector in you.

You want to be there for your naive friend as a shoulder for him to lean on, and as the voice of reason to at least try and talk him out of cheating on his wife with Rory. A benefit of hanging with Dean is that you look more mature and sophisticated than you are.

8 Jess Mariano

On Gilmore Girls, close up of handsome Jess in denim jacket; Jess and Luke in discussion at a diner table

You want to be friends with Jess (Milo Ventimiglia) in the hopes that an ounce of his effortless cool will rub off on you. You better be as well-read as he is because Luke’s nephew doesn’t suffer fools gladly. You know underneath that “Who cares?” shell is the heart of a sensitive artist. He’s afraid to show that side to the world because he refuses to be laughed at. Rory saw that side because she proved she believed in him and earned his trust.

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You need to do the same if you want your friendship to be more than superficial with a side of smart-aleck pranks.

7 Paris Geller

On Gilmore Girls, Paris and Rory in their Chilton uniforms; Paris smiling

This won’t be your most relaxing friendship but it’ll keep you on your toes. Paris (Liza Weil) is smart, competitive, a striver–and if you want to hang out with her you have to keep up, or she’ll leave you in the dust.

Be prepared to deal with jealousy if you pull out in front of her personally, academically or professionally. But she’ll come around as she did with Rory. Paris is another guarded person with whom Rory broke through because of her genuine concern and kindness. Once you get into Paris’ well-protected heart, you’ll have a friend for life.

6 Lane Kim

On Gilmore Girls, wholesome shot of Lane on porch; Lane behind drum set

One of the satisfying things about being pals with Lane (Keiko Agena) is watching her find her voice with her mother, as she throws herself into her music.

Read More:10 Characters That Fans Would Love To Be Friends With

2021-05-15 22:00:00

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