MSU proposes highest employee pay raise in at least 10 years

Missouri State University officials proposed a 3 percent pay increase for the 2021-22 school year.

Missouri State University is proposing a 3 percent pay increase for employees for the 2021-22 year, the highest across-the-board raise in at least 10 years.

MSU President Clif Smart said limited state funding in past years and, more recently, the uncertainty of the pandemic, meant budgets were tight and employee pay raises during the past decade have not kept up with inflation.

In meetings with the MSU Board of Governors this week, Smart outlined what he called a “pro-employee” spending plan for next year that includes the pay raise and a series of improvements to employees’ benefits and compensation packages.

More:Priority for the next Missouri State budget? Playing ‘catch-up’ on faculty, staff pay

Smart said the raise is possible because of spending cuts made last year and Missouri lawmakers support for a “significant funding increase” for next year. “The legislature passed a budget that includes a 3.7 percent core operating appropriations increase for all public universities.”

Read More:MSU proposes highest employee pay raise in at least 10 years

2021-05-16 11:06:34

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